1. All For Good
    By: Emma Ceurvels

    A new song written by Emma Ceurvels and Bryan Sirchio (Emma is Bryan's daughter) based on Romans 8:28. This beautiful song proclaims the simple but powerful truth that God's Grace can bring blessing and beauty and goodness out of even the most painful chapters of our lives. This song works as a congregational song, an anthem, and eventually a choral arrangement will be provided as well. At this point the video is the only product related to this song, but a piano arrangement and lead sheet are in the works and will be posted as soon as possible. Learn More

  2. Come As You Are
    By: The Many

    "Come As You Are” is from the album, Love > Fear, from The Many. It's a reflection on the words of Jesus in Matthew 11:28: "Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” The song is an invitation to all of us into God's loving embrace. We can come with our faith and with our doubt; we are welcomed with hopes and with fears. We can come deeply weary and wounded and carrying loads of baggage and God promises to never turn us away. We come as we are and are loved as we are. No small print. No exceptions. Learn More

  3. Come Thou Fount Of Ev'ry Blessing
    By: Ken Medema

    New CHORAL SETTINGS of “Come Thou Fount of Ev'ry Blessing” from Ken Medema offer your choirs a fresh “take” on this classic hymn! Ken’s energizing new melody is set with a rhythmic piano part with optional hand drums and body percussion so everyone can get involved in the performance! This joyous, spirited anthem, arranged by Ken Medema and Cathy Chamblee, is available for S.A.T.B. or for S.S.A. choir and is sure to become a favorite for your singers and your congregation. Because these two settings of this anthem were composed during the pandemic, a performance recording is not available, but you may become acquainted with this piece through the free MIDI-generated recording available on this website. Learn More

  4. Forgive Us
    By: The Many

    From Gary Rand of "The Many..." "Forgive Us is a song of lament and confession. It’s a song to sing when the words don’t come; when our efforts to help, or do right, or even pray seem to come up empty. The songs says, “we don’t know how to pray here, stay here. All we hope is that you’re here.” It’s a song that resonates with Romans 8:26-27, where Paul speaks of the Spirit interceding for us when we don’t have the words." Learn More

  5. God's Voice Anywhere
    By: Richard Bruxvoort Colligan

    Every great religious tradition has ideas about how the Holy is present. Christian teaching sometimes lists the orthodox ways God is revealed and how prayer works. These are good things. However, if we align too tightly to particulars, we may lose the sense of God's mystery which may be essential to a thriving faith. This song is an effort to explore with young people around the campfire some of the ways we might experience God.

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  6. Lead Kindly Light
    By: Ken Medema

    Ken Medema weaves together the prayerful text of the hymn "Lead, Kindly Light" with earnest questions about whether our devotion remains steadfast despite our circumstances. We cannot know what's ahead of us, but we can pray that God directs our path, one step at a time. Congregations will enjoy this new take on a traditional hymn. Learn More

  7. Lead The Way
    By: Ken Medema

    Each of us will fall short and will make mistakes in life. In this meditative song, Ken Medema encourages us to look forward, staying open to love, rather than regretfully looking back to things we cannot repair. Every morning is a new opportunity to follow God, wherever that following takes us. Learn More

  8. Pour Us Out Like Water
    By: Andra Moran

    A gentle prayer of surrender and service. Learn More

  9. Surrender
    By: Sherry Cothran

    Sherry Cothran is an ordained United Methodist Pastor and singer/songwriter who enjoyed critical success a while back with a band called The Envirudes.   This one's less for group singing and more just for reflection and inspiration.  Enjoy her beautiful vocals and the lovely imagery of her lyrics...

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  10. Teach Me To Stop And Listen
    By: Ken Medema

    When the world diverts our attention from the important to what seems to be urgent, we can feel frazzled. We have a weakened capacity to reach out to others because we are depleted. But if we choose instead to listen to God, we become centered, renewed, and able once more to minister to the world around us. This lovely meditative song is suitable for congregational singing. Learn More
