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Again And Again

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Quick Overview

This brand new song from The Many is such a gift to us all right now. The song acknowledges some of the heartbreaking realities of injustice and cruelty that confront us, such as the separation of families at U.S. borders. The lyrics validate our sorrow and frustration with the fact that even though we pray and work for justice, we humans keep losing our way and causing each other so much unnecessary pain. But as always, The Many reminds us that God is with us and sustaining us and leading us in the midst of heartache and loss. In other words, God comes to us--"again and again"-- in the middle of our brokenness and bewilderment, and gives us courage and strength to keep living, loving, and working for change.

There is a great video available for this song that is perfect for virtual worship!

CCLI #716829

Artist: The Many

Licensed By: CCLI

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Licensed By CCLI