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We Are Enough

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Quick Overview

Lots of folks are talking these days about an epidemic of not-enoughness. All of us are daily bombarded with the message that we aren’t enough. And this belief, that we are not enough, often leads us directly to the notion that there is not enough to go around. It seems like much that is wrong in our world — hatred, greed, exclusion, violence, climate devastation — is related to these widespread feelings of inadequacy and scarcity.

So The Many’s songwriters, lyricist, Lenora Rand and music writer, Hannah Rand, have written a song that we can all sing (maybe on a daily basis...) and that we hope will be helpful. The chorus is a simple affirmation: You are enough. I am enough. Breathe in the love. We are enough!

CCLI Song #7218151

Artist: The Many

Licensed By: CCLI

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Licensed By CCLI