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We Remember Her

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Quick Overview

“We Remember Her” is a song celebrating the so-called "woman with the alabaster jar" in Mark 14:3-9, Matthew 26:6-13, Luke 7:36-50 and John 12:1-3. In singing, we honor this nameless disciple and her courageous act of kindness that was so important to the gospel writers.

The story of the "woman with the alabaster jar" is told with varying details in all four gospels. A few days before Jesus' death, into a room full of men she came and anointed Jesus with expensive ointment. In Mark and Matthew's accounts, the scene has Jesus recognizing the woman as one of the most important in his ministry. "Wherever the gospel is proclaimed in all the world, what this woman has done will be told in remembrance of her." The moment happened early in holy week, and according to the gospels, Jesus wouldn't have bathed before he was arrested. Could it be the aroma of the perfume was with him on Friday? Could it be that the scent, so tenderly offered to Jesus, sustained him with hope as he was dying on the cross?

Artist: Richard Bruxvoort Colligan

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