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Quick Overview

From the Composer Sherri Hansen...

"This is a very special song that was written for a friend of mine during a difficult time in her life. It draws from two of my favorite Psalm passages: 27:14 and 71:20-21. Its a song about longing and waiting for God when questions remain unanswered and pain and suffering appear endless. It can be used as either a congregational or solo artist piece during any season, but the theme of waiting is especially appropriate for Advent.

The bridge which utilizes Psalm 71 could be skipped to the end chorus: “God give me patience, God give me strength.” I love doing it with an overlay of the initial verse: “I wait for you God, my soul waits” which I’ve had a soloist sing over the end chorus or divided it between the assembly. The sections also may be repeated as many times as desired. Hopefully, this provides several options and flexibility depending on your needs and circumstances."

Artist: Sherri Hansen

Licensed By: Convergence Music Project

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Licensed By Convergence Music Project